A medical officer brought logistics to the Isolation Room for Patients Under Supervision (PDP) at Undata Hospital, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on March 15, 2020. In accordance with the Ministry of Health protocol, the hospital isolated two female patients after being referred from another hospital because experience symptoms of COVID-19 after traveling outside the area. From 30 December 2019 to 15 March 2020, there were 1,293 people examined from 28 provinces in Indonesia with 1,167 negative results, 117 COVID-19 positive confirmation cases and 9 samples were still being examined. (bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

Those who Bet on the Front Guard COVID-19

A medical officer prepares a logistical isolation room for patients under surveillance (PDP) at Undata Hospital, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on March 15, 2020. In accordance with the Ministry of Health protocol, the hospital isolated two female patients after being referred from another hospital because experience symptoms of COVID-19 after traveling outside the area. From 30 December 2019 to 15 March 2020, there were 1,293 people examined from 28 provinces in Indonesia with 1,167 negative results, 117 COVID-19 positive confirmation cases and 9 samples were still being examined. (bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

Chinese descendants perform prayers welcoming the Chinese New Year at the Eka Dharma Manggala Temple in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on January 24, 2020. Prayers are performed to welcome the Chinese Lunar New Year 2571/2020 and ask for blessings, safety and protection from the Yang Almighty. The lion dance attraction was also held as a symbol of good luck and blessings. (Photo by bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

Chinese Lunar New Year in Palu

Chinese descendants perform prayers welcoming the Chinese New Year at the Eka Dharma Manggala Temple in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on January 24, 2020. Prayers are performed to welcome the Chinese Lunar New Year 2571/2020 and ask for blessings, safety and protection from the Yang Almighty. The lion dance attraction was also held as a symbol of good luck and blessings. (Photo by bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

Seorang anak melintas di genangan banjir rob atau air pasang laut di Desa Tompe, Kecamatan Sirenja, Kabupaten Donngala, Sulawesi Tengah, Minggu (12/1/2020). Banjir air pasang yang masuk hingga kepemukiman warga itu disebabkan karena terjadinya penurunan permukaan tanah sedalam dua meter akibat gempa 7,4 SR yang berpusat di desa itu pada 28 September tahun lalu. Warga setempat terpaksa mengungsi ke tempat yang lebih tinggi dan kembali lagi ke rumah mereka setelah air surut. bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki

Land Subsidence Causes Tidal Flooding

Warga beraktivitas di rumahnya yang digenangi banjir rob atau air pasang laut di Desa Tompe, Kecamatan Sirenja, Kabupaten Donngala, Sulawesi Tengah, Minggu (12/1/2020). Banjir air pasang yang masuk hingga kepemukiman warga itu disebabkan karena terjadinya penurunan permukaan tanah sedalam dua meter akibat gempa 7,4 SR yang berpusat di desa itu pada 28 September tahun lalu. Warga setempat terpaksa mengungsi ke tempat yang lebih tinggi dan kembali lagi ke rumah mereka setelah air surut.