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Pemungutan Suara Serentak

Warga menunjukkan jarinya yang telah dicelupkan ke tinta usai menyalurkan hak suaranya di Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) 11 Kelurahan Palupi, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Rabu (14/2/2024). Pemilu untuk memilih Presiden-Wakil Presiden, anggota DPR, DPD, dan anggota DPRD di wilayah itu berlangsung di 1.072 TPS di 46 kelurahan secara serentak. bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki

Petugas Kelompok Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara (KPPS) menunjukkan surat suara kepada pemilih sebelum pencoblosan di Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) 11 di Kelurahan Palupi, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Rabu (14/2/2024). Pemilu untuk memilih Presiden-Wakil Presiden, anggota DPR, DPD, dan anggota DPRD di wilayah itu berlangsung di 1.072 TPS di 46 kelurahan secara serentak. bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki

Sisa Peninggalan Bencana Tsunami di Palu

Pengunjung berjalan di atas dek bangkai kapal yang terhempas ke darat akibat tsunami 2018 di Kelurahan Mamboro, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Senin (5/2/2024). Sisa KM Anugerah Perdana 9 yang sebelumnya mensuplai elpiji cair ke Kota Palu dan kini menjadi besi tua itu banyak dikunjungi warga sekitar dan menjadi pengingat kerawanan bencana, terutama tsunami di wilayah itu. bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki

Pengunjung berada di atas dek bangkai kapal yang terhempas ke darat akibat tsunami 2018 di Kelurahan Mamboro, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Senin (5/2/2024). Sisa KM Anugerah Perdana 9 yang sebelumnya mensuplai elpiji cair ke Kota Palu dan kini menjadi besi tua itu banyak dikunjungi warga sekitar dan menjadi pengingat kerawanan bencana, terutama tsunami di wilayah itu. bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki

New Year Celebration in Palu

Residents celebrate the New Year with fireworks in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Monday, January 1. Although it had rained, it did not discourage residents from going out of their homes and celebrating the turn of the year from 2023 to 2024. bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki

Residents celebrate the New Year with fireworks in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Monday, January 1. Although it had rained, it did not discourage residents from going out of their homes and celebrating the turn of the year from 2023 to 2024. bmzIMAGES/Basri MarzukiResidents celebrate the New Year with fireworks in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Monday, January 1. Although it had rained, it did not discourage residents from going out of their homes and celebrating the turn of the year from 2023 to 2024. bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki

Jellyfish Stranded in Palu Bay

A man shows a stranded purple jellyfish or crown jellyfish (Cephea cephea) floating on Palu Bay Beach, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on February 17, 2023. Dozens of jellyfish between 30cm and 50cm in diameter that live in the deep seas around the Pacific and East Atlantic Seas and are also found on Australia's Sydney South Coast coast are thought to be carried by strong winds and ocean currents other than due to climate change factors. Murdoch University of Australia's Marine Expert Mike Van Kuelen said it was likely that the jellyfish stranding was due to Australia's eastern aurs stretching from North to South. When the water is warm due to climate change, ocean waves cause bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef and encourage tropical species to migrate south rather than their normal habitats. (Photo: bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

A man shows a stranded purple jellyfish or crown jellyfish (Cephea cephea) floating on Palu Bay Beach, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on February 17, 2023. Dozens of jellyfish between 30cm and 50cm in diameter that live in the deep seas around the Pacific and East Atlantic Seas and are also found on Australia’s Sydney South Coast coast are thought to be carried by strong winds and ocean currents other than due to climate change factors. Murdoch University of Australia’s Marine Expert Mike Van Kuelen said it was likely that the jellyfish stranding was due to Australia’s eastern aurs stretching from North to South. When the water is warm due to climate change, ocean waves cause bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef and encourage tropical species to migrate south rather than their normal habitats. (Photo: bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

Those who Bet on the Front Guard COVID-19

A medical officer brought logistics to the Isolation Room for Patients Under Supervision (PDP) at Undata Hospital, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on March 15, 2020. In accordance with the Ministry of Health protocol, the hospital isolated two female patients after being referred from another hospital because experience symptoms of COVID-19 after traveling outside the area. From 30 December 2019 to 15 March 2020, there were 1,293 people examined from 28 provinces in Indonesia with 1,167 negative results, 117 COVID-19 positive confirmation cases and 9 samples were still being examined. (bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

A medical officer prepares a logistical isolation room for patients under surveillance (PDP) at Undata Hospital, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on March 15, 2020. In accordance with the Ministry of Health protocol, the hospital isolated two female patients after being referred from another hospital because experience symptoms of COVID-19 after traveling outside the area. From 30 December 2019 to 15 March 2020, there were 1,293 people examined from 28 provinces in Indonesia with 1,167 negative results, 117 COVID-19 positive confirmation cases and 9 samples were still being examined. (bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

Chinese Lunar New Year in Palu

Chinese descendants perform prayers welcoming the Chinese New Year at the Eka Dharma Manggala Temple in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on January 24, 2020. Prayers are performed to welcome the Chinese Lunar New Year 2571/2020 and ask for blessings, safety and protection from the Yang Almighty. The lion dance attraction was also held as a symbol of good luck and blessings. (Photo by bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

Chinese descendants perform prayers welcoming the Chinese New Year at the Eka Dharma Manggala Temple in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on January 24, 2020. Prayers are performed to welcome the Chinese Lunar New Year 2571/2020 and ask for blessings, safety and protection from the Yang Almighty. The lion dance attraction was also held as a symbol of good luck and blessings. (Photo by bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

Macaca Tonkeana, Endemic Sulawesi Monkey

Foto: bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki

MACACA Tonkeana atau Kera Hitam Sulawesi adalah spesies kera endemik Sulawesi. Kera ini banyak ditemukan di hutan-hutan dan hidup secara berkelompok.

Foto ini diambil pada 6 Maret 2017 di ruas Jalan Trans Sulawesi, Kebun Kopi, Kecamatan Tanantovea, Kabupaten Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia.

Awalnya, kera ini hidup liar di dalam hutan, namun belakangan menjadi “jinak” dan berani menampakkan diri di jalan-jalan umum. Perilaku warga yang kerap kali memberi makanan ketika melewati jalan itu, membuat kera ini menjadi lebih berani.

Balai Konservasi dan Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) Sulawesi Tengah telah memasang papan peringatan di sejumlah tempat yang biasanya menjadi tempat pemunculan kera-kera itu di ruas jalan tersebut.

Peringatan itu antara lain berupa larangan memberi makanan kepada kera-kera tersebut ketika melintas di jalan itu. Pemberian makanan akan mengubah perilaku kera itu dari kebiasaannya di alam liar.

Kera itu akan menjadi malas dan sangat tergantung dengan pemberian makanan dari para pelintas. Pemberian makanan itu juga akan sangat rawan dengan tindak kriminal pencurian hewan dilindungi.


Macaca Tonkeana or Sulawesi Black Ape is a species of Sulawesi endemic ape. These monkeys are found in forests and live in groups.

This photo was taken on March 6, 2017 on the Trans Sulawesi Road section, Kebun Kopi, Tanantovea District, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Initially, these monkeys lived wild in the forest, but later became “tame” and dared to appear on public streets. Behavior of residents who often provide food when passing through the road, making these monkeys become bolder.

The Center for Conservation and Natural Resources (BKSDA) of Central Sulawesi has installed warning boards in a number of places that are usually the appearance of the monkeys in the road.

The warning included a prohibition on giving food to the monkeys when it crossed the road. Feeding will change the behavior of the monkeys from their habits in the wild.

The monkey will become lazy and very dependent on the feeding of the passers. Feeding it will also be very vulnerable to the crime of theft of protected animals.

Land Subsidence Causes Tidal Flooding

Seorang anak melintas di genangan banjir rob atau air pasang laut di Desa Tompe, Kecamatan Sirenja, Kabupaten Donngala, Sulawesi Tengah, Minggu (12/1/2020). Banjir air pasang yang masuk hingga kepemukiman warga itu disebabkan karena terjadinya penurunan permukaan tanah sedalam dua meter akibat gempa 7,4 SR yang berpusat di desa itu pada 28 September tahun lalu. Warga setempat terpaksa mengungsi ke tempat yang lebih tinggi dan kembali lagi ke rumah mereka setelah air surut. bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki

Warga beraktivitas di rumahnya yang digenangi banjir rob atau air pasang laut di Desa Tompe, Kecamatan Sirenja, Kabupaten Donngala, Sulawesi Tengah, Minggu (12/1/2020). Banjir air pasang yang masuk hingga kepemukiman warga itu disebabkan karena terjadinya penurunan permukaan tanah sedalam dua meter akibat gempa 7,4 SR yang berpusat di desa itu pada 28 September tahun lalu. Warga setempat terpaksa mengungsi ke tempat yang lebih tinggi dan kembali lagi ke rumah mereka setelah air surut.

Residents move in their homes which are flooded by tidal floods or tides in the village of Tompe, Sirenja District, Donngala Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on Sunday (12 January 2020). Tidal floods that entered the residential areas were caused by a two meter deep land subsidence due to the 7.4 SR earthquake centered on the village on September 28 last year. Local residents are forced to flee to higher ground and return to their homes after the water has receded.

Action The Boys Save the Hawksbill Turtle

Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (October 27): Two boys pushed a Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) down to sea on the Kampung Lere Beach, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on 27 October 2019. The rare and protected turtle was released by the boy This is after a fisherman catches him when he catches fish in the sea and then leaves it tied to the hot beach. The children then came and felt sorry, then released him back to the sea. (bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

A hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) was caught by a fisherman while netting fish in the sea on October 27, 2019. The turtle was then taken to shore by the fisherman and tied the turtle’s legs with a rope to avoid running away.

A group of children suddenly came to the beach and watched the rare and protected turtle torture. His legs were bound and in a very hot heat. The hot temperature at that time in Kampung Lere Beach, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia reached 37 degrees Celsius.

Unbeknownst to the fishermen who caught the turtle, some children then took the initiative to dig sand near the turtle so that it could collect water for the turtle. The children also watered the turtle’s head so it would not overheat.

Meanwhile, other children try to find broken bottles so they can break the rope that ties the turtle’s legs. After trying long enough the rope was finally broken.

Without further thought, the children then pushed the turtle with all their might to return to the sea.

Turtles that are about 70 centimeters long and 50 centimeters wide are heavy enough to be pushed, but then the cubs take turns lifting until they finally reach the sea.

The children were happy because after reaching the sea, the turtle could finally swim again and return to their habitat.

Text & Photos: Basri Marzuki

Seekor Penyu Sisik (Eretmochelys imbricata) ditangkap seorang nelayan ketika menjaring ikan di laut pada 27 Oktober 2019. Penyu itu kemudian dibawa ke pantai oleh nelayan tersebut dan mengikat kaki penyu itu dengan tali agar tidak melarikan diri.

Sekelompok anak-anak tiba-tiba datang ke pantai itu dan menyaksikan penyu yang langka dan dilindungi undang-undang itu sangat tersiksa. Kakinya terikat dan dalam keadaan panas yang sangat menyengat. Suhu panas saat itu di Pantai Kampung Lere, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia mencapai 37 derajat celcius.

Tanpa sepengetahuan nelayan yang menangkap penyu itu, beberapa anak kemudian berinisiatif menggali pasir yang ada di dekat penyu itu agar dapat menampung air bagi penyu. Anak-anak juga menyiram kepala penyu itu agar tidak kepanasan.

Sementara itu, anak-anak lainnya mencoba mencari pecahan botol agar bisa memutuskan tali yang mengikat kaki penyu itu. Setelah berusaha cukup lama akhirnya tali pengikat tersebut berhasil diputuskan.

Tanpa fikir panjang lagi, anak-anak itu lalu mendorong penyu itu sekuat tenaga agar bsia kembali laut.

Penyu yang berukuran panjang sekitar 70 centimer dan lebar 50 centimeter cukup berat untuk didorong, namun kemudian anak-ank bergantian mengangkat hingga akhirnya bisa mencapai laut.

Anak-anak itu gembira karena setelah mencapai laut, penyu itu akhirnya bisa berenang lagi dan kembali ke habitatnya.

Text & Photos: Basri Marzuki

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