Warga beraktivitas di rumahnya yang digenangi banjir rob atau air pasang laut di Desa Tompe, Kecamatan Sirenja, Kabupaten Donngala, Sulawesi Tengah, Minggu (12/1/2020). Banjir air pasang yang masuk hingga kepemukiman warga itu disebabkan karena terjadinya penurunan permukaan tanah sedalam dua meter akibat gempa 7,4 SR yang berpusat di desa itu pada 28 September tahun lalu. Warga setempat terpaksa mengungsi ke tempat yang lebih tinggi dan kembali lagi ke rumah mereka setelah air surut.
Residents move in their homes which are flooded by tidal floods or tides in the village of Tompe, Sirenja District, Donngala Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on Sunday (12 January 2020). Tidal floods that entered the residential areas were caused by a two meter deep land subsidence due to the 7.4 SR earthquake centered on the village on September 28 last year. Local residents are forced to flee to higher ground and return to their homes after the water has receded.
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