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We cover various issues developing in the Palu, Central Sulawesi and surrounding areas.
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Poso Riot Convict

Three Poso riot defendants, Fabianus Tibo (left), Marunis Ruwu (center), and Dominggus da Silva (right) attend a judicial review hearing at the Petobo Penitentiary in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, March 9, 2006. All three were executed after the local District Court convicted them of premeditated murder during the 1998-2005 period of unrest. (bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

Kejuaraan Off-Road

Salah satu tim peserta melewati kubangan lumpur pada kejuaraan offroad di sirkuit Tanah Runtuh, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, 9 Juli 2006. (bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

Pembangunan Jembatan Palu 4

Warga memancing di dekat Jemabatan Palu 4 yang sedang dalam proses pembangunan di Pantai Talise, Teluk Palu, 16 Juni 2006. (bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki)

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Al Quran

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