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China Lunar New Year Prayers in Palu, Indonesia

Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (February 5, 2019): A citizen of Chinese descent burns incense to pray the Lunar New Year in Magabudhi Temple in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, Tuesday, February 5, 2019. Citizens of Chinese descent believe the Lunar New Year to 2570 is the year of the pig. The Lunar New Year worship tradition this time took place solemnly because it was still tinged with a post-disaster grief on September 28, 2018 which killed thousands of people. (Photo by Basri Marzuki/bmzIMAGES)

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Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (February 5, 2019) : A Chinese citizen prays for the Lunar New Year in Magabudhi Temple in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, Tuesday, February 5, 2019. Citizens of Chinese descent believe the Lunar New Year to 2570 is the year of the pig. The Lunar New Year worship tradition this time took place solemnly because it was still tinged with a post-disaster grief on September 28, 2018 which killed thousands of people. (Photo by Basri Marzuki/bmzIMAGES)

Kembalinya KM Sabuk Nusantara 39 ke Laut

Donggala, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (February 5, 2019): KM Sabuk Nusantara 39 ship glides into the sea after being pulled by a tug boat in Wani Port, Donggala, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, Tuesday, February 5, 2019. After being on land due to the tsunami waves hit Last September 28, 2018, finally the Sea Toll boat owned by PT. The Pelni was finally pulled back into the sea by being driven by an excavator and pulled by a tug boat. Most of the residents who lived around regretted that the ship should have remained on land as a memory that there had been a devastating tsunami in the region. bmzIMAGES/Basri Marzuki

TEPAT pukul 18.54 Wita, KM Sabuk Nusantara 39 yang terhempas ke darat oleh gelombang tsunami 28 Spetember 2018 lalu di Pelabuhan Wani, Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah, akhirnya kembali ke laut.

Kapal Tol Laut milik PT. Pelni yang berbobot mati 500 gross ton itu berhasil diluncurkan kembali ke laut setelah didorong oleh sebuah alat berat excavator dari darat dan sementara itu juga ditarik oleh sebuah tug boat dari laut.

By blocking muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the CNS, benztropine reduces the excessive cholinergic activity present in parkinsonism and related states. Azactam is used to treat severe infections of the blood, urinary tract, lungs, skin, stomach, or female reproductive organs. Compared to never being exposed to pioglitazone, a duration of pioglitazone therapy longer than 12 months was associated with a 40% increase in risk (HR 1 site. Concomitant or sequential antibiotic use was defined as exposure to another antibiotic within 24 hours (before or after) of ceftaroline administration, based on the electronic medication administration record.

“Waowwww…” serentak suara itu bergema ketika kapal tersebut meluncur mulus dari “air bag” atau bantalan karet berisi udara yang telah dipasang di bawah kapal tersebut sebelumnya. Prosesi peluncuran itu berlagsung hanya dalam hitungan detik hingga kapal yang telah “bermukim” selama lebih dari empat bulan itu mengapung kembali di laut.

Sesungguhnya, kapal itu telah dipersiapkan peluncurannya sejak 21 Januari 2019 lalu, namun karena masalah administrasi perizinan dari Kementerian Perhubungan selaku pemegang otoritas operasional kapal itu belum terbit, sehingga urung dilakukan.

“Proses awal telah dimulai dengan memasukkan ganjalan dari batang kelapa. Batang kelapa ini berfungsi mengangkat Badan kapal setinggi 50 cm sebelum memasukkan air bag. Air bag berfungsi sebagai pengganti rel,” kata kepala teknisi PT Samudera Rezeki Teknindo (Smart), Sarman awal Januari 2019 lalu.

Setelah mengapung di laut, kapal itu tidak langsung berlayar. Menurut teknisi, kapal itu akan dicek kembali kelayakannya untuk berlayar, karena telah lebih empat bulan terdiam di darat.

Sementara itu, aneka reaksi ditunjukkan warga sekitarnya atas kembalinya kapal yang telah menemaninya selama lebih dari empat bulan di kawasan itu.

“Aduh kasiang, sudah tidak adami kapalna,” ujar Mila, seorang warga yang mengaku bermukim tidak jauh dari kapal itu terhempas ke darat.

Lain lagi dengan Daeng yang juga warga setempat. Daeng mengaku menyesal tidak sempat menyaksikan langsung prosesi peluncuran kembali kapal itu ke laut. Padahal menurutnya, banyak kenangan yang ditorehkan sejak kapal itu berlabuh di darat.

“Sejak kapal itu naik ke darat, banyak orang yang datang melihatnya, kampong ini jadi ramai, banyak juga penjual bermunculan, juga parkiran bagi warga setempat. Tapi sekarang sudah pergi mi itu kapal kasiang,” ujar Daeng dengan ekspresi sedih.

Bagi Rustam yang juag warga di sekitar itu, seharusnya kapal itu tidak perlu ditarik ke laut atau dibiarkan di tempat itu saja sebagai penanda atau semacam memorial park bahwa telah terjadi bencana tsunami dahsyat di kawasan itu.

“Tapi itu cuma harapang saya, tapi kalau pemerintah maunya lain, mau diapami,” ujarnya dengan dialek Bugisnya.

Warga tetap bergerombol di kegelapan malam kawasan itu hingga beberapa saat untuk menyaksikan kapal itu yang sedang mengapung tidak jauh dari dermaga Pelabuhan Wani.

Mauka kurasa menangis, sedihku kurasa kapal itu ditarik,” celetuk Wati di gelapnya malam itu. []

Naskah dan foto: Basri Marzuki


Feeding Beef Cattle in Waste Disposal Sites

Scavengers are struggling with cattle to get trash at the Kawatuna landfill, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, Tuesday, January 29, 2019. Thousands of cattle belonging to local residents are intentionally released into the trash foraging to reduce the cost of feed that reaches 70 percent of the cost of raising cattle. The local government has issued an appeal to the livestock owners to hold their cows, because the action was not healthy. The cows eat rubbish, including organic waste from hospital waste which is very dangerous for health and can contaminate humans if they eat meat. But the appeal was ignored by farmers. (Photo by Basri Marzuki/bmzIMAGES)

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Scavengers are struggling with cattle to get trash at the Kawatuna landfill, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, Tuesday, January 29, 2019. Thousands of cattle belonging to local residents are intentionally released into the trash foraging to reduce the cost of feed that reaches 70 percent of the cost of raising cattle. The local government has issued an appeal to the livestock owners to hold their cows, because the action was not healthy. The cows eat rubbish, including organic waste from medical waste which is very dangerous for health and can contaminate humans if they eat meat. But the appeal was ignored by farmers. (Photo by Basri Marzuki/bmzIMAGES)

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